Party Wall Notice



A Party Wall Notice is sent from a property owner to their neighbour(s) when planning to undertake construction work that involves a shared wall or boundary or is near a neighbouring property.


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What is a Party Wall Notice?

A party wall notice is a legal document used in the United Kingdom, governed by the Party Wall, etc. Act 1996. It is served by a property owner to their neighbour(s) when planning to undertake construction work that involves a shared wall or boundary or is near a neighbouring property.

This notice is required to inform and gain consent from affected neighbours before certain types of construction or alteration work can begin.

Types of Work Requiring a Party Wall Notice:

  1. Work on an Existing Party Wall or Structure: This includes work like cutting into the wall to take the bearing of a beam, removing chimney breasts, or increasing the height or thickness of the wall.
  2. Building a New Wall on or at the Boundary Line: This involves any construction directly on the boundary between two properties.
  3. Excavations Near Neighbouring Buildings: If the planned work involves digging foundations near a neighbouring building (within three or six meters, depending on the depth of the new foundations compared to the neighbour’s).

Benefits of Issuing a Party Wall Notice:

For the Initiating Party (Typically the Building Owner):

  1. Legal Compliance: Ensures compliance with the Party Wall etc. Act, avoiding potential legal disputes.
  2. Prevention of Disputes: Clarifies the scope of work and terms, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or disputes with neighbours.
  3. Protection Against Claims: Establishes a clear record of the property’s condition before work begins, protecting against unfounded claims of damage.

For the Adjoining Property Owner (Neighbour):

  1. Awareness and Consent: Provides neighbours with prior notice, ensuring they are aware of and can consent to the proposed works.
  2. Opportunity to Raise Concerns: Allows neighbours to discuss concerns or conditions before the work begins.
  3. Protection of Property: Ensures that proper measures are taken to prevent or minimize damage to their property.

General Benefits:

  1. Maintaining Good Relations: Fosters a cooperative approach between neighbours, maintaining good relations.
  2. Professional Assessment: Often involves surveyors who can provide professional oversight, ensuring the work is done correctly and safely.
  3. Conflict Resolution: The Act provides mechanisms for resolving disputes if they arise.

In summary, a party wall notice is a critical step in responsibly managing property alterations involving shared walls or boundaries. It helps in ensuring legal compliance, protecting the interests of both parties, and fostering good neighbourly relations.


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